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Code & Capital: AI Versus the Internet and Harnessing the Power of Gen AI

Code & Capital: AI Versus the Internet and Harnessing the Power of Gen AI

Streamly’s Code & Capital series takes a next-level look at the potential for enabling technologies to transform fintech and financial services.

In today’s first conversation, Code & Capital talks with Generative AI expert and founder of Tamang Ventures Nina Schick about the way that AI could fundamentally reshape industries and economies this century the way the Internet did decades ago. Schick also discusses use cases for Generative AI in financial services and the threat posed by AI-powered deepfakes.

An author, advisor, and keynote speaker, Schick is an expert in synthetic media, deepfakes, disinformation, cybersecurity, and the geopolitics of technology. Her debut book, Deepfakes, was released in 2020 and has been translated into five languages.

Code & Capital also talked with Head of Conversational AI at Zurich Insurance Group, Indrek Vainu. In this conversation, Vainu shared some of the real-world applications of Generative AI in areas such as risk management, fraud detection, and customer service. Vainu also discussed what financial institutions need to do in order to effectively deploy AI technologies in their businesses.

Vainu co-founded AlphaChat, a chatbot startup, that was acquired by Zurich Insurance Group in 2021. At Zurich, he leads activities globally related to Generative AI and chatbots.

Photo by Kevin Ku