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Baseline Online Broadband Usage Statistics

Here are the Yankee Group’s baseline PC and online usage forecast, as cited by The Seattle Times today:

2003: 112 mil US HHs >>> 74 mil online >>> 30% broadband
2004: 113 mil US HHs >>> 78 mil online >>> 38% broadband
2005: 114 mil US HHs >>> 80 mil online >>> 45% broadband
2006: 115 mil US HHs >>> 81 mil online >>> 52% broadband
2007: 116 mil US HHs >>> 83 mil online >>> 58% broadband
2008: 117 mil US HHs >>> 84 mil online >>> 63% broadband

How to read: In 2003, 74 million of the total 112 million U.S. households went online through their home computers; 30% (22 million) of those going online use a broadband connection, the remainder (52 million) use a dial-up connection.

See Online Banking Report (#114) for the corresponding online banking forecast.