This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.
Our next presenter is
BizEquity, creators of the Valuation-as-a-Service business valuation cloud.
New features of BizEquity One U.K. include: (1) Real-time dynamic valuation updated daily from our smart algorithm and multiple data sources for greater accuracy and client engagement rate (2) Zillow-esque feature on the homepage with a powerful search on more than two million pre-valued businesses in the United Kingdom to get a sense of how the business is doing and what it is worth (3) Useful advice and alerts about the business streamed in real-time as the user goes through the valuation process (4) Updated dashboard with an infographic-like view of each business’s value and key performance indicators, a bird’s eye view of business that’s simple to grasp for the average owner.
Presenters: CEO Mike Carter, and Semyon Fishman, VP engineering
Product launch: February 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through FI licensing
HQ: Wayne, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Tower Hamlets, London, United Kingdom
Metrics: $5.1 million raised; more than 200,000 business users helped; more than 28 financial services distributors to date; 60 patents filed — 7 seminal patents in the online valuation space granted; 29.5+ million businesses valued, making BizEquity the largest online business valuation provider in the world.
Twitter: @BizEquity