Visa’s acquisition of Plaid for $5.3 billion at the beginning of the year set a high mark for mergers and acquisitions among Finovate alums in 2020. How have subsequent deals among our alums in the fintech space measured up?
Unfortunately, many M&A deals keep their financials well under wraps, which makes comparisons difficult. But we can take a look at some of the brighter lights in the merger and acquisition sky, and gain some sense of just how big some of these fintech stars truly are.
Looking at the first few months of the year, we have no figures for the four alums that were acquired in the first half of 2020. Of the acquirers, however, two deals stick out, rivaling the Visa/Plaid purchase in January: Intuit’s $7.1 billion buy of Credit Karma, and Worldline’s decision to put down $8.6 billion for Ingenico.
Below is our quick rundown of some of the biggest M&A action from our Finovate alums so far in 2020.
The Acquired
- Emailage acquired by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. May 7.
- Empyr acquired by Augeo. April 23.
- Arxan merged with CollabNet VersionOne and XebiaLabs to form new company, Digital.ai. April 17.
- IdentityMind Global acquired by Acuant. April 1.
The Acquirers
- SoFi acquired 8 Securities. April 21.
- SoFi acquired Galileo in $1.2 billion deal. April 7.
- CRIF acquired Strands. March 30.
- Tink acquired Eurobits Technologies. March 29.
- Fiserv acquired Bypass Mobile. March 18.
- Finantix acquired InCube. March 10.
- DocuSign acquired Seal Software in $188 million deal. March 1.
- Intuit acquired Credit Karma in $7.1 billion deal. February 28.
- Envestnet | Yodlee acquired FinBit.io. February 25.
- Lending Club acquired Radius Bank. February 19.
- Flywire acquired Simplee. February 14.
- Worldline acquired Ingenico for $8.6 billion. February 3.
If you are a Finovate alum that was involved in a merger or acquisition in the first half of 2020, and do not see your company listed, please drop us a note at research@finovate.com. We would love to share the good news! M&A activity prior to becoming an alum not included.