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ThetaRay Presents its Fraud and Credit Risk, Big Data Analytics Program

ThetaRay Presents its Fraud and Credit Risk, Big Data Analytics Program

ThetaRayThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Our next demonstration is from ThetaRay.

Unmatched, anomaly-detection rates delivering usable indicators to increase efficiency and accuracy; industry-low false-positive rates allowing organizations to focus their experts on the events that count; rule-free, unsupervised, non-heuristic protection against next-generation attacks and predicting the unexpected; math-based, big-data analytics ensuring organizations achieve quantitative results they can trust; automatic, real-time detection to instantly transform data into business insights; easy and fast deployment that is always up-to-date, retaining the relevance and competitive advantage of organizations’ data.

Presenter: ThetaRay’s VP of Product, Udi Solomon



Product launch: April 2015

Metrics: $10 million raised Round A funding, August 2014; 28 employees
Product distribution strategy: B2B, via financial institutions and other fintech companies

HQ: Israel and United States
Founded: April 2013
Twitter: @ThetaRayTeam