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Pendo Systems Breaks Down Silos of Investment Accounting Data


Concluding the first session, Pendo Systems demoed how it can give transparency to investment accounting data:

“Pendo has the first cross vertical global investment accounting cloud solution. We provide services to capital markets across banking, asset management, wealth management, insurance, and corporate treasury. 

The landscape today consists of products that are vertically focused on industry (mutual fund, investment management insurance, etc.) & regionally (Asia Pacific, Europe, US). This has caused firms to have silos of investment accounting data – resulting in the same asset being valued differently with a variation of up to 25 basis points. It also is the inhibitor to transparency as the ability to drill down & view total exposure to a given sector, industry, currency, or cost basis cannot be done in a single database and instantaneously. This is a problem that our product solves. 
BasisPoint solves the issues for the verticals and provides for complete multi-jurisdictional processing for capital markets firms (insurance, mutual fund, asset managers, wealth managers, pension funds, and corporations).”
Product Launch: January 2007
HQ: Montclair, NJ, USA
Founded: 2007
Metrics: 5 employees; $1M in revenue for 2012; $100B of AUM being processed; exclusive global relationship for distribution in Canada with one of the largest multi-national firms in the world
Finovate demo video: Demo videos will be posted next week
Introducing Pamela Pecs Cytron (CEO & Founder)
