“The EFL Credit Scoring Tool is a credit scoring and management platform that seamlessly integrates into and expedites existing bank lending processes. EFL’s 45-minute credit application can be taken on a PC or mobile tablet device at a bank branch or in the field. The completed application is processed by EFL within 30 minutes into a 3-digit credit score.
The EFL Score is posted on EFL’s Web Suite, allowing the credit team to simply log on to approve or deny the loan. EFL’s Web Suite offers a 365-view of the applicant and loan portfolio, allowing the bank to track loan approvals and disbursements, measure turn-around-times, arrears data, review applicant GPS, photos and biometrics and much more by branch and region. The EFL Credit Scoring Tool provides the simplicity, speed, and insight needed to make informed credit decisions that lead to higher growth and lower risk in information scarce markets.”