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Voitrax Captures and Organizes Voice, Text to Ensure Full Dodd-Frank Compliance

Voitrax Captures and Organizes Voice, Text to Ensure Full Dodd-Frank Compliance

VoitraxThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Coming to the stage next is the team from Voitrax.

The Voitrax platform captures voice, text, and other communication records and accurately organizes and stores them to ensure complete compliance with Dodd-Frank regulatory requests. The system uses a unique blend of advanced technologies to reconstruct swap trades. Our solution addresses the direct needs of Dodd-Frank 1.35a and 23.201-3.

Presenters: CEO Levi Orbach; COO Craig Eagle; CTO Moshe Rayman



Product launch: September 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to business (B2B); through other fintech companies and platforms

HQ: Jerusalem, Israel; New York City, New York
Founded: October 2015
Twitter: @VoitraxInc