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Inside Expensify’s New Concierge Bot

Inside Expensify’s New Concierge Bot


Online expense-report processing company Expensify launched a new bot this week. Her name is Concierge—yes, they gave their bot a gender—and she is an “intelligent, virtual assistant” that combines Expensify’s data of billions of dollars of expenses with real-time pricing data of every flight, car, and hotel across the globe.

The automated intelligence bot uses machine learning to assist with new user onboarding, outstanding task notification, customer service, and other tasks and processes. In a blog post announcing Concierge, Expensify highlighted one feature in particular, Scheduled Submit.

After customers use SmartScan to upload their receipts into Expensify, Concierge reads and categorizes those receipts, then adds the data to the user’s expense report. The bot even knows if transactions fall within company policy, and if they do, it sends the expense report to the user’s manager on their behalf. When combined with Expensify’s next-day reimbursement, users can have the funds back in their bank account the day after incurring the expense.

Expensify explains that “it’s not worth anybody’s time to manually transcribe, submit, review, and approve a ton of tiny receipts, and Concierge is there to take all that drudgery off your team’s plate.”

Founded in 2008, Expensify demoed Expensify Invoices at FinovateSpring 2013. Next month, on October 18 & 19, the company will present at FinDEVr Silicon Valley in Santa Clara, Calif. Discounted tickets for the event are still available through tonight. Register today to save.