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FinDEVr Preview: MiddleWare from Corezoid

FinDEVr Preview: MiddleWare from Corezoid

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms and integrations at the second annual FinDEVr, 6/7 October. is a cloud operating system that allows developers to build the digital core of their company.


Why it’s a must-see

Corezoid is a platform for building agile processes triggered by real-time events. Corezoid is a PaaS tool for creating IT solutions with the use of automata-based programming with explicit state selection. Corezoid is now available for global access on Amazon Marketplace. Developers from all over the world can create their own digital core.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews: