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Dragon Wealth Debuts its SMAC App to Help Advisors Serve High Net-Worth Clients


This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateAsia 2013.

Our next presenter is Dragon Wealth. Their innovation is the Dragon Wealth SMAC App.

“Dragon Wealth SMAC app is a solution that enables wealth management advisors to make smarter, well-informed recommendations to their high net-worth clients. The solution takes advantage of the cloud to analyze big data and select social media via a social mobile analytics platform to deliver a customized dashboard via a tablet application. 
Wealth management advisors and their clients will have transparent access to at-a-glance information on their investment behavior, peer group comparisons, and expert reports to make informed decisions on investments. Financial institutions get to easily customize the platform to suit their unique needs and requirements.”

Presenting Bert-Jan van Essen (MD & Co-Founder) and Dana Ritter (MD & Co-Founder)


Product Launch: November 13, 2013

Metrics: S$500,000 funding, founded by former CIO Private Banking APAC, Credit Suisse & Head Advisory Systems APAC, Credit Suisse
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions & licensed
HQ: Singapore
Founded: June 2013
Twitter: @bertjanarosa / @danaritter3