“Finantix Sharp is a multi-channel platform for digital banking that introduces a new and exciting approach to customer interactions. Sales and service processes are made engaging, effective and paperless by applying user-friendly interfaces, gameful simulators, social and multimedia content, and natural language commands. Special focus is devoted to smooth collaboration of customers, banks and third parties in helping customers address their financial needs and reach their goals.”
Finantix Debuts Finantix Sharp Digital Banking Platform
Concluding FinovateAsia 2012, Finantix launched Finantix Sharp:
Product Launch: November 2012
HQ location: Venice, Italy
Founded: 1994
Website: finantix.com
Twitter: @Finantix
Finovate demo video: Demo videos will be posted next week
Introducing Alessandro Tonchia (Director & Founder) and Jakub Downar (Pre-Sales Manager)