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Banno’s New Solution Eases Cross-Channel Headaches for FIs

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Today, mobile app and website provider,Banno (formerly T8 Webware), announced that all websites it develops will be optimized for any type of device, regardless of screen size.

Its new, responsive design format offers a single URL that reacts to screen sizes of online, mobile, and tablet devices. This device agnostic approach will help FIs prepare for multi-channel banking.

The new websites also save time on updates:

“Furthermore, the websites now have a live data feed that updates rates based on predetermined formulas, assuring that accurate rates are published across channels instantaneously without the man hours of monitoring and making adjustments previously required.”

Banno also introduced dynamic website content. With this feature, the content that users see will change depending on the user’s historical searches, clicks and preferences.

To learn more about Banno, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo and come to FinovateFall next month to check out its new tech.