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Westpac Launches iPad Banking with Drag-and-Drop Transfers

image Touchscreen technology isn’t particularly game changing in banking. For the most part, users simply look at transactions, type a few numbers, and press a button or two. Touchscreen or mouse, it works pretty much the same. 

However, Australia’s Westpac Bank (creators of Cash Tank and Impulse Saver) has figured out a way to use the swipe motion to simplify the funds transfer process. In its new iPad app (launched today), each account is shown on the screen in a small summary box.

To initiate a funds transfer, users move the summary box for account A over the summary box for account B, then type in the amount (see first screenshot below). Similarly, to initiate a payment, users drag the summary box over to the “payments zone” on the right to begin a bill payment (second screenshot).

Bottom line: While pushing a box around on a screen may not be faster than using a mouse in desktop online banking, it’s an intuitive way to use an iPad app. Kudos to Westpac for incorporating it into their app.


Westpac (AU) iPad funds transfer (10 July 2012)
Simply drag the “from” account box over “to” account to begin the funds transfer


Westpac (AU) bill-payment process
Drag to “from” account over to the payment zone on the far right to begin a payment
