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Voice Mail Option for Customers on Hold

OnholdFor only the second time in the 5.5 years since I became one of the first customers of online home-equity pioneer DeepGreen Financial <>, I had occasion to contact customer service over an error on their end. Normally, I would use email, but this was one of those times when you need to speak to a human.

After navigating a relatively sparse phone menu, I pressed zero and found myself on hold; nothing unusual about that. After about a minute the recorded voice came on with the usual yada-yada about the importance of my call. But then I was surprised to hear the computer offer the choice of staying on the line, or leaving a voice message for a return call.

I chose to hold and my call was answered a few minutes later by a helpful service rep. Overall, I left this interaction thinking more highly of the bank, even though their error had forced me to call and spend four minutes on hold. It’s all about exceeding expectations. And it doesn’t take much to do that when it comes to banking customer service, or really any toll-free support line. So keep working on those incremental improvements, as they can pay off immeasurably in the long run.

What would be even better, given the bank’s customer base of experienced online consumers, is to also offer a special email address such as with a guaranteed 30-minute response time. That would really leave a great impression with Internet-savvy callers (see OBR 106/106 for hundreds of more ideas to make your E-service shine).