This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2015
Our next presenting company is Top Image Systems, demonstrating its innovation in loan-origination technology.
eFLOW Lending is Top Image Systems’ financial technology innovation designed to transform what is currently a very manual, time-consuming, and expensive origination process into a streamlined, automated, self-service-enabled experience with automatic “completeness checks” during the application process. With the ability to automatically capture and process any volume of documents—of any type, anywhere, at any time—eFLOW Lending optimizes loan processing, increasing accuracy and efficiency for originators. Through document classification and automated data-capture, TIS’ solution enables cost reduction and decreases mortgage-processing cycle-times while ensuring maximum security and compliance.
Presenters: Taylor Adkins, technical product management; Alayne Pregeant, senior director, global marketing
Product launch: May 2015
Metrics: Following our IPO in the mid-90s, we recently raised $15M in a secondary offering in February 2014; 2013 annual revenue: $40M; employees: 250
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions
HQ: Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded: March 1991
Twitter: @TopImageSystems