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Giving Thanks to our November Sponsors

It’s November and Thanksgiving is almost upon us here in the US. It’s a great holiday, not only for the food, but also the concept that you should reflect and give thanks. And there are many things we’re thankful for — our families, our health, our country and our OBR/Finovate clients.

We’re also thankful for YOU, our loyal readers who make this blog great by reading the posts, sharing your thoughts in the comments and emailing us frequently with ideas. And last but certainly not least we’re thankful for our sponsors for helping us keep NetBanker the high-quality and free resource that you read and trust.

Please support our sponsors (listed below in alphabetical order) so that they continue to support NetBanker:

  • Digital Insight, an Intuit company — Showcasing their FinanceWorks (Online Banking + Quicken) solution. Check out a free recording of their recent webinar.
  • Trusteer — Complimentary white paper on “Addressing Customers’ [Security] Concerns from Financial Trojans.” Download it for free and see how banks like ING Direct use Trusteer to protect their customers from malware.
  • Worklight — Check out this new demo of how Worklight helps businesses securely engage their customers via widgets, social networks, iPhone apps and other consumer tools.
  • Yodlee — Download an new free whitepaper from Yodlee on “The Fast-Changing Market of PFM: What Consumers Really Want, And Why Banks Can’t Afford to Wait.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled blogging.

P.S. If you’d like to join these companies in supporting NetBanker, please drop me an email at

ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at