This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2014.
Our next presenter is the team from Encap Security. The company’s Smarter Authentication solution helps provide a secure, seamless omnichannel experience for financial institutions and their customers.
“In the wake of Target and other large retail breaches, Encap has the first solution that can be used to combat CNP fraud – the way most compromised cards are used. Encap is demoing our authentication solution with an emphasis on the importance of thinking outside the traditional ‘authentication’ box.
Because Smarter Authentication is complex, secure, and provides a simple and seamless user experience, it is ideally suited to address not only mobile and online banking transactions, but also CNP transaction approval.”
Presenting: Adam Dolby (VP Business Development) and David Nayes (Director of Sales)
Product Launch: November 2012
Metrics: Based in Oslo and Palo Alto, Encap Security’s management team has more than 60 years experience and an unrivaled pedigree in authentication, identity management, mobile app security, and mobile financial services. Following a recent funding round, the total investment in Encap Security stands at $6.6 million. Encap Security’s solution is used by major financial institutions, enterprises, and technology integrators including Santander Consumer Bank Norway, EnterCard, and Sparebaken Vest.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms.
HQ: Palo Alto, CA
Founded: October 2012
Twitter: @encapsecurity
Views: 164