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Promotions and New Hires in the Payments Industry

Promotions and new hires in the payments industry.

IdenTrust Inc. says John Sculley was named chairman. IdenTrust recently changed its name from Identrus Inc. Sculley, a venture partner at Rho Capital Partners, was once chairman of Apple Inc. Also joining IndeTrust’s executive team are Thomas Ream as chief operating officer, Andrea Klein as chief marketing officer, and Jean Lavigne, responsible for European sales. (Contact: IdenTrust Inc., 866- 433-6878)

Securitas says Anne Lewis was named international president of ATM services for its Cash Handling Services unit. Lewis was formerly managing director of Securitas’ Micro-route unit in the United Kingdom. (Contact: Securitas Cash Handling Services, 713-435-6703)

DataTreasury Corp. says that William M. Randle joined its board of directors. Randle is chief executive officer of Synoran LLC and a former executive vice president of Huntington Bancshares. DataTreasury has been winning a series of patent-infringement cases, related to check imaging systems, against the nation’s largest banks. (Contact: DataTreasury Inc., 512-474-7514)

Pay By Touch says that Gary Bender was named vice president of biometrics. Bender, formerly an independent consultant, was chief architect of the FBI’s newest fingerprint-identification system. (Contact: Pay By Touch, 415-281-2253)