Last September, six online personal finance managers launched in a single month (previous post). Since then, just a handful of new PFMS have appeared online. Most newcomers have instead chosen the iPhone where more than 1,000 finance apps have launched in the past 12 months.
The iPhone is great for on-the-go transaction processing, but most PFM users will still do their heavy lifting at their computer, setting budgets, tracking expenses, planning for the future, preparing tax returns and so on. So the online venue is still the key competitive battleground.
Two new online efforts have come to my attention in recent weeks. We’ll look at them in more detail later this year (see note 1).
Cashflow INSITE, from Neuralus. The Winnipeg, Canada-based startup is looking to partner with banks and credit unions to deliver the PFM. The company is also targeting the financial advisor market where they have a number of independent advisors paying a flat fee (currently under $100/mo) to support up to 100 clients on the Cashflow INSITE platform.
PocketSmith, a New Zealand-based firm which launched its beta last year, uses the popular calendar approach to tracking personal cash flow and appears to be gaining some traction in the United States. It’s monthly unique U.S. visitor total in July was more than 8,000 according to Compete (see chart below). That puts it at number 13 of the busiest online PFMs in the U.S. according to estimates from Compete (note 2). It’s also the highest ranked newcomer to the chart and the non-US PFM with the most U.S. traffic.
PocketSmith monthly traffic estimates from Compete
Monthly unique visitors Aug. 2008 through July 2009
Cashflow INSITE homepage (21 Aug 2009)
PocketSmith homepage (21 Aug 2009)
1. We covered the personal financial management space several times in Online Banking Report, most recently: Personal Finance Features for Online Banking; Social Personal Finance; and Online Investing Communities.
2. See the current issue of Online Banking Report: 2010 Planning Guide, for the U.S. traffic estimates for 28 online PFMs.