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Online Strategy Matrix Designed for your Business Planning Process

The following matrix is designed to assist your business planning
process. Consumer strategies are divided into three broad categories:
product, general marketing (on- and off-line), and customer
satisfaction/service. Each broad category is further divided into groups of
tactics aimed at a common goal. Finally, every tactic is categorized as

·         Best Practices (column 1): Required
features that every competitive financial institution should support

·         Competitive Advantage (column 2): Top-rated
features that differentiate you from the competition

·         Others (column 3): Other optional features to
help set you apart and/or support other company objectives



Source: Online Banking Report, 9/04
Notes: (1) Features to put you at parity with the best online banks; (2)
Differentiating strategies that provide either a competitive advantage,
incremental profits, or both; (3) Other optional tactics to create competitive
advantage and/or support other company goals.