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Logout Promotions at Wachovia

What are you doing to deal with customers who have become increasingly adept at tuning out your promotions when logging in? Wachovia for one, has been using logout-page promotions.

Today, SVP Young-Sun Yun told a Net.Finance audience of several hundred gathered in Phoenix that Wachovia places promotions on logout page. She reported that while the logout page promotions generated higher clickthrough rates, conversions were nearly two times higher with homepage promotions.

Therefore, the homepage still creates more sales, but the logout page is an important marketing device. Even with a lower conversion rate, it make sense to use the one-screen available post-login, where the user has finished their online banking tasks and presumably could be attracted to a promotional offer.

Fascinating Metric
Young-Sun Yun also told the audience that the bank’s website is now producing as many checking account applications as 111 branches, up from 42x two years ago. We’re not sure how that compares to others in the industry, but it might be a useful stat in your next budget request.