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ING Launches Retirement Calculator:

image Last week, ING Group's U.S. unit (note 1) made a splash with two major promotional efforts:

  • Sponsored free access to the Wall St Journal online for an entire day (see screenshot below).
  • Launched a TV advertising campaign,, aimed at the retirement market (press release here, view the spots here). Update 18 March: The company ran a full-page ad for the program in today's Wall Street Journal (p. A7)

INGyournumber <> is remarkably similar to Wells Fargo's Retire Secure Index that we looked at last week (here). The financial services giant created a special site with a Flash-based tool designed to help you find your "number." That is, the total amount you need to save to provide your desired level of retirement income.

Financial institutions should draft behind these well-funded efforts, and make sure your retirement tools are prominently positioned within your website.

ING Took Over The Wall Street Journal Online last Thursday (13 March)

















1. These promotional efforts from the main ING group, not ING Direct; although the direct banking arm did receive a small link on the bottom of the screen.