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FundAmerica Presents its SaaS Compliance Platform for Crowdfunders

FundAmerica Presents its SaaS Compliance Platform for Crowdfunders

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2015.

FundAmericaLogoFundAmerica is demonstrating its SaaS compliance solution for emerging crowdfunders.

FundAmerica is a technology, software-as-a-service, and compliance solutions provider to the emerging crowdfunding industry. Our back-end compliance tools, including escrow, AML, payment processing and state dealer representation enable investment advisers, broker-dealers, listing services, and other platform types to operate legally and efficiently in their business of technology-driven capital formation pursuant to rules 506(c), 506(b) and, eventually, Reg A+ and rule 4(a)(6) crowdfunding.

Presenters: Scott Purcell, CEO and founder, and Scott Anderson, general counsel



Product Launch: December 2014

Metrics: $2.25M angel funding to date; 9 employees; 125 crowdfunding platforms signed up; 40+ escrows opened in first 3 months
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms

HQ: Las Vegas, Nevada
Founded: November 2011
Twitter: @FundAmerica