According to TechCrunch, the $0.99 tip calculator app from TapTapTap has been downloaded 3,200 times in the month it’s been available. Net income to the developer, after Apple takes its 30% cut, is $2,200.
TapTapTap also markets a much more sophisticated location-based search tool that has generated $50,000 in revenues for the developer.
Tipulator is ranked number 20 in our Aug. 5 rundown of the top-20 banking and finance apps. Today it ranked number 27.
Apple ranks the most popular apps within each category, but does not provide download totals. Tipulator numbers were provided by developer.
What it means
1. iPhone users, so far, are willing to pay for apps. Who would have thought that more than 3,000 people would go to the trouble to download an app to help them multiply their bill times 15% to 20%? And there are two tip calculators that ranked higher in the App Store.
2. There is real demand for mobile financial tools, even very simple ones. Financial institutions should consider launching a branded calculator app in the Apple App Store.