Here’s the transcript from my live Twittering during Finovate Startup 2009 last Tuesday (in reverse chronological order).
It’s over. Best of Show winners: BillShrink, Prosper, Silver Tail Systems, SimpliFi. Congratulations! Thanks to everyone. 8:01 PM Apr 28th from web
- 36 demos in the bag…finished 7 minutes ahead of schedule! Now to happy hour and more networking..stay tuned for Best of Show at 5:30PM 4:40 PM Apr 28th from web
- Credit Karma is launching white-label solution for financial institutions 4:38 PM Apr 28th from web
- Credit Karma launching Debt Manager. Includes product placement opportunities for lenders 4:36 PM Apr 28th from web
- Credit Karma demoing free credit score trending over time and showing consumers how to save money 4:34 PM Apr 28th from web
- Prosper is also announcing secondary trading market for Prosper-originated loans, pending final SEC approval 4:31 PM Apr 28th from web
- Prosper is opening platform to other financial institutions; first is CPS, large auto lender, who resells on Prosper 4:28 PM Apr 28th from web
- Prosper relaunching today! Nationwide for borrowers but initially just California for lenders due to regulatory issues 4:25 PM Apr 28th from web
- Rudder uses widgets to track and manage, including cool “What’s Left” (after all bills paid) and Spend Meter 4:22 PM Apr 28th from web
- Rudder showing its PFM…estimates setup process of 5 to 10 minutes using account aggregation 4:17 PM Apr 28th from web
- provides hints on how to negotiate rate reductions with lenders 4:14 PM Apr 28th from web
- itemizes the amount of interest to be saved over life of debt by increasing payment amount 4:13 PM Apr 28th from web
- DebtGoal from GoalSpring launching My DebtPlan to help consumers manage and administer their debt 4:10 PM Apr 28th from web
- SmartHippo monetizing through referral fees 4:07 PM Apr 28th from web
- SmartHippo launching SmartHippo answers today! Somewhat like Yahoo answers; lenders can respond, 4:05 PM Apr 28th from web
- SmartHippo showing community-based financial shopping portal 4:02 PM Apr 28th from web
- SimpliFi Is different than budget-focused PFMs; SimpliFi focuses on planning; less than 5% of users have financial plans 4:00 PM Apr 28th from web
- Silver Tail Systems also includes a mitigation function that handles the fraud in real time. 3:52 PM Apr 28th from web
- Silver Tail System can even thwart man-in-middle (man-in-browser) attacks by monitoring clickstream 3:51 PM Apr 28th from web
- Silver Tail Systems demoing fraud detection, monitors threats against website; key is monitoring ALL activity 3:48 PM Apr 28th from web
- Green Sherpa is launching public beta today! 3:45 PM Apr 28th from web
- Green Sherpa showing its PFM with 3-step process: 1. Load data 2. Make plan 3.Discuss plan with someone 3:42 PM Apr 28th from web
- HomeATM showing P2P money transfer, both send and receive; also have mobile app where hardware plugs into earphone jack 3:38 PM Apr 28th from web
- HomeATM demoing patented secure PIN encryption through browser using small hardware device 3:32 PM Apr 28th from web
- Final 9 by crowd vote: HomeATM, Green Sherpa, Silver Tail Systems, Simplifi, SmartHippo, DebtGoal, Rudder, Prosper, Credit Karma 3:29 PM Apr 28th from web
- Jwaala showing Michigan First CU transaction widget in iGoogle so consumers can track banking transactions on iGoogle. 3:27 PM Apr 28th from web
- Jwaala integrated credit score history in Michigan First CU online banking; may be a first in the marketplace! #Finovatestartup093:07 PM Apr 28th from web
- Jwaala demoing Michigan First Credit Union implementation of BOB platform; showing smart search with natural language 3:05 PM Apr 28th from web
- Jwaala showing Better Online Banking (BOB) platform which integrates online banking and personal finance 3:02 PM Apr 28th from web
- ZimpleMoney showing how the platform can track all the details of a contract including documents and payments 2:58 PM Apr 28th from web
- ZimpleMoney showing financial transaction platform…loans, leases, rent and so on; landlords using, car dealers etc 2:55 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mobank allows purchase with just Mobank PIN, payment details masked, like Apple App Store; powerful concept for mcommerce 2:52 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mobank demoing purchase of airline ticket using its platform; fantastic graphics using iphone app 2:50 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mobank just launched in UK, will be launching in the USA in a few months 2:47 PM Apr 28th from web
- LowerMyAssessment in 10 states now, more coming 2:46 PM Apr 28th from web
- LowerMyAssessment shows that consumer can find hundreds in savings in a few minutes; has free value monitoring service 2:44 PM Apr 28th from web
- launching company today! New tool to help users determine the value of their homes and appeal value 2:41 PM Apr 28th from web
- Aradiom doing mobile demo using iphone; showing mobile token with automatic pre-population from online banking system 2:39 PM Apr 28th from web
- Acculynk provides banks with branding message as consumers make payment via card and PIN. 2:32 PM Apr 28th from web
- Acculynk is making purchase from; email typo discovered by audience, give that man a prize! Success! 2:30 PM Apr 28th from web
- Acculynk is showing online PIN-based purchase at the online point of sale; demoing purchase live on stage right now 2:26 PM Apr 28th from web
- SecondMarket now lets service providers market within its platform 2:24 PM Apr 28th from web
- SecondMarket online marketplace for trading a wide variety of illiquid asset; launching service provider market today 2:23 PM Apr 28th from web
- Pertuity Direct launching $2500 dollar promotion giveaway to borrower 2:20 PM Apr 28th from web
- Pertuity Direct: Average FICO score of borrowers is 743 since January 2009 launch…prime-to-super-prime segment 2:19 PM Apr 28th from web
- Pertuity Direct has a new way to finance consumer loans, using mutual fund model to gather assets; demoing online app 2:16 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mint is moving to making tracking finance “game like”, modeled after computer games, eg Wii Fit, etc. 2:12 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mint fitness 1.Know your money 2.Spend less than you earn 3.Use debt wisely 4.Invest what you save 5. Be prepared 2:10 PM Apr 28th from web
- Mint is launching Financial Fitness today…goal is to get 100% on five principals of personal finance. 2:07 PM Apr 28th from web
- IOUSOS debuted today powered by Globefunder; a semi-automated system for health care providers to make settlement offers 11:07 AM Apr 28th from web
- Home Account launching today a co-branded option today to put mortgage center on other sites 11:03 AM Apr 28th from web
- Home Account partnering with Yodlee; have signed 15 lenders so far for mortgage lead generation 11:02 AM Apr 28th from web
- Home Account showing “mortgage fitness” module to grade user’s appeal to mortgage lenders, then present options 11:00 AM Apr 28th from web
- Home Account is showing how it can save average customer $174/mo…and provide best mortgage for life 10:57 AM Apr 28th from web
- Moneta offers revenue sharing with bank distribution partners; could be revenue gain for some 10:56 AM Apr 28th from web
- Moneta demoing the purchase of an airline ticket live on stage from Delta Airlines using Moneta pay option…worked! 10:52 AM Apr 28th from web
- Moneta showing alternative payment system, have signed top-10 bank, will begin rolling out to its customers this summer 10:50 AM Apr 28th from web
- Cooler has contextual ad network that provides links to companies and products to reduce and neutralize carbon use. 10:47 AM Apr 28th from web
- Cooler is first way to see ENTIRE carbon footprint from all you do and buy…has 10-month timeline, can compare to peers 10:45 AM Apr 28th from web
- Cooler showing how users can calculate carbon footprints from their financial data, already online,showing link to Wesabe 10:44 AM Apr 28th from web
- Can People Capital’s Human Capital Score disrupt student lending? Will be interesting to follow. 10:40 AM Apr 28th from web
- People Capital shows better way to evaluate students than FICO.uses where going to school,SAT,GPA,etc Human Capital Score 10:39 AM Apr 28th from web
- PeopleCapital is focusing on peer-to-peer lending in student loans; platform is 80% complete 10:37 AM Apr 28th from web
- Micronotes system provides revenue potential to banks while providing unique discounts for customers, if they opt in 10:33 AM Apr 28th from web
- Micronotes connects consumer products to online bills; provides realtime discounts on bills paid if they accept mkt offer 10:31 AM Apr 28th from web
- BillShrink doing partnership with CBS co-brand…closing “shrinkage is good” 10:26 AM Apr 28th from web
- BillShrink’s gas savings module shows map of where low-cost gas stations are located; wireless module shows coverage map 10:24 AM Apr 28th from web
- BillShrink showing personal and detailed analysis of 3 verticals: credit cards, wireless carriers and gas stations 10:23 AM Apr 28th from web
- Kapitall showing how to trade using drag and drop from the desktop; company in private beta…public beta this summer 10:18 AM Apr 28th from web
- Kapitall debuting new interface…very different from typical financial services..designers from Apple/gaming industry 10:14 AM Apr 28th from web
- KnowBeforeYouApply launching mortgage offers today; lead gen platform with real-time rates based on your credit score 10:11 AM Apr 28th from web
- KnowBeforeYouApply from Centrro provides credit grade then shows individual offers 10:10 AM Apr 28th from web
- Wesabe is announcing first client for its white-label program Delta C
ommunity Credit Union, Georgia’s largest CU 9:43 AM Apr 28th from web - Wesabe demoing new user interface..very modern look; launching new native iPhone app today; can signup for acct on app 9:41 AM Apr 28th from web
- Wesabe launched 2.5 years ago, can Twitter transactions into your PFM account 9:39 AM Apr 28th from web
- Tempo Payments adding rewards to the card, can be cash back or other options; 80 to 90% of apps approved real-time 9:35 AM Apr 28th from web
- Tempo Payments showing new decoupled debit card, first step, download your image to put on the card..full card face..nice 9:32 AM Apr 28th from web
- Lending Club is adding more tools to help investors see how they are doing in ROI..can compare to the entire community 9:30 AM Apr 28th from web
- Lending Club says that its been able to get 75% of its late loans to current 9:28 AM Apr 28th from web
- Lending Club’s secondary market has had US$2 million in trading volume, average time to trade is just 2 days 9:27 AM Apr 28th from web
- Lending Club launched self-directed IRA option several weeks ago for investors.. 9:26 AM Apr 28th from web
- iThryv built incentive module into the platform so FI clients can add rewards; includes content management 9:22 AM Apr 28th from web
- iThryv “online banking for kids and young adults” includes financial literacy…partnering with iPay for bill pay 9:20 AM Apr 28th from web
- MoneyStrands running a clever contest from the stage…search their website and Twitter the answer to win $100 9:14 AM Apr 28th from web
- MoneyStrands has v2 iphone app expected to be in App Store in a week or two 9:13 AM Apr 28th from web
- MoneyStrands includes PDF report option to print/save reports….widgets can be added to page to track feeds/news 9:12 AM Apr 28th from web
- Strands PFM shows what’s just happened with your finances across the top…handy way to drill into what’s important now 9:08 AM Apr 28th from web
- ReceivablesExchange showing first online marketplace for buying/selling accounts receivables..avg invoice size = $50k 8:59 AM Apr 28th from web
- CircleUp’s SmartPay system has messaging center to track/communicate with the group..can be used on Facebook, AOL, widget 8:54 AM Apr 28th from web
- CircleUp is demoing a system to collect money from groups…such as a kid’s soccer team collecting for pizza party.Useful 8:50 AM Apr 28th from web
- kaChing will be offering mirrored investing that will allow you to automatically trade like who you are following 8:47 AM Apr 28th from web
- kaChing has over 300,000 registered investors.only 25,000 with positive returns in 2008..grades investors by investor IQ 8:44 AM Apr 28th from web
- At Expensify you can just email your receipt to [email protected] to add to your account…like 8:38 AM Apr 28th from web
- Finovatestartup09 has begun….first demo is from Expensify.8:34 AM Apr 28th from web