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FFIEC Releases FAQ on Enhanced Security Requirements

Ffiec_logo Today, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued a 7-page list of questions and answers about its October 12, 2005, bestseller, Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment.

Bankingfraudfordummies_1 The main thing you need to know about the new document is what it does NOT say, that the year-end deadline has been extended (see Timing, Q1, p. 4, reprinted below). However, the answer does appear to provide a bit of wiggle room, saying that banks must "implement risk mitigation activities by year-end 2006." I'm sure many creative interpretations of the precise meaning of that phrase will surface. 

Q-1- What do the Agencies expect institutions to have accomplished by year-end 2006?
A-1– The Agencies expect that institutions will complete the risk assessment and will implement risk-mitigation activities by year-end 2006. The Agencies are not considering any general extension of the timing associated with this guidance.

Good luck to all.