This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2015.
DarcMatter demoes its platform that gives investors access to alternative investments in private equity, venture capital, and more.
DarcMatter is an investment platform that answers an increasing appetite for alternatives by providing visibility into an otherwise opaque marketplace. DarcMatter provides private issuers comprehensive transactional technology and distribution channels to enhance exposure to a greater number of investors. The platform also features a seamless and compliant engine to receive investments, securely store and disseminate information, and manage the flow of funds. The platform’s unique model enhances investor buying-power by lowering the buying minimums of select opportunities while considerably streamlining capital-raising logistics for private issuers.
Presenter: Founder, CEO Sang Lee; CTO Stan Solodkyy
HQ: New York City, New York
Founded: November 2014
Twitter: @DarcMatterHQ