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Citi Direct Bringing in $1 Billion Per Month in New Money

According to remarks made by Citibank CEO Charles Prince at the Sanford Bernstein investor conference, the bank's new high-yield savings account, currently yielding 4.75% (see NetBanker May 19), is bringing in $1 billion per month in new money. He characterized the deposit total as, "the equivalent of having opened 23 new branches."

His exact quote, available via webcast (comments start at the 47:45 mark of the webcast) was, "In the first ten days after the launch, we had ten times the volume we predicted. Today, literally only a few weeks after the launch, we've raised 3 billion dollars in deposits." He also said that two-thirds of that was "new money to the institution."

These numbers are in line with the industry forecast outlined by director Catherine Palmieri a month ago (see NetBanker May 5) of $250 billion in 2006. If that forecast holds true, $20 billion per month into high-yield savings, Citibank is bagging 7% to 8% of the market.