FinovateEurope 2014 Early-Bird Deadline is this Friday! Register Now to Save!


FinovateEurope 2014 is barely more than a month away and we are projecting a record crowd will be on hand to witness dozens of the hottest new fintech innovations debut live.

On February 11 & 12, 68 hand-selected innovative companies will take the stage in London to showcase their latest ideas to a projected crowd of more than 900 financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts and entrepreneurs. 

If you would like to join the event, the early-bird deadline for the conference is this Friday. If you register before then, you will save £100 and lock in your chance to attend.

In case you’re curious, here is a small sample of the organizations that have already registered for the event. 

  • Accel Partners
  • AIB Bank
  • ANZ
  • AXA Bank
  • Balderton Capital
  • Bank of Aland
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of Ireland
  • Bank Julius Baer
  • Barclaycard
  • Barclays Bank
  • Be Group
  • Celent
  • Credit Suisse
  • Datamonitor
  • Ernst & Young
  • Experian
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Financial Times
  • FT Partners
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Google
  • Index Ventures
  • ING Direct
  • Jyske Bank
  • Life.SREDA
  • Lloyds
  • Riyadbank
  • Skagen Funds
  • SpareBank
  • Standard Bank
  • Swedbank
  • The Bancorp
  • Volksbank
  • Wellington Partners
  • Microsoft
  • PostFinance
  • Rabodirect

If you’re interested in witnessing the future of European fintech, please get your ticket today to guarantee your ability to attend as we’re headed towards a sellout crowd. 

We’ll see you in London in February (or Silicon Valley in April)!

FinovateEurope 2014 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Be Group, Financial Technology Partners, and Life.SREDA.

FinovateEurope 2014 is partners with: Aite Group, BankersHub, Celent, The Financial Services Club, FSIC, Hotwire PR, Level 39, & Visible Banking.

Announcing FinovateFall 2014 — September 23 & 24 in Manhattan!

btn3_ov.pngAs the year winds down, we are very excited to be able to announce that we will be returning to Manhattan on September 23rd and 24th, 2014, for our eighth annual FinovateFall conference.

A few months ago, FinovateFall 2013 welcomed a sold-out crowd of more than 1,100 executives to witness 69 new fintech innovations debut via our signature demo-only format. (If you missed out, you can watch all the videos for free in the archives.)

In 2014, we expect the auditorium to be just as full as the major trends — like bitcoin, mobile, crowd, big data, UX, biometrics — can be seen driving innovation in fintech and why they are the reason it’s become red-hot.

If your company is interested in debuting your latest and greatest tech at the premier event for fintech innovation, please email us at to get on the notification list for when we begin accepting applications in April to debut/demo at the fall event.

If you’re interested in attending FinovateFall 2014 to watch the future of fintech unfold live on stage in the financial capital of the world, tickets are now on sale for the event at the lowest price that we’ll offer. The event sold out in 2013 so please be sure to lock in your ticket soon to guarantee your ability to attend.

We’ll see you in New York next September (or Europe in February!).

FinovateFall 2014 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and Financial Technology Partners

FinovateFall 2014 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Filene Research Institute, Javelin Strategy & Research, and Visible Banking.

FinovateEurope 2014 Presenting Companies Revealed!


With just 68 days to go until our fourth annual FinovateEurope, it’s finally time to reveal the presenter lineup for the event.

On February 11 & 12, these companies will take the stage to demo their newest fintech innovations to a projected crowd of over 900 financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts and entrepreneurs.

With the explosion in European fintech activity in the last year, the application process to select the innovations for the conference was incredibly competitive. While that makes for hard choices for our selection committee, it also lays the foundation for another amazing FinovateEurope filled with cutting-edge fintech innovation. 

Without further ado, here are the companies that will be demoing their latest and greatest in London next February:

  • AdviceGames
  • AnalytixInsight
  • Atsora
  • Avoka
  • Backbase
  • BehavioSec
  • Blue Speck Financial
  • Buttercoin
  • CRIF
  • Device Ident
  • Encap
  • fastacash
  • Feedzai
  • Fiserv
  • Five Degrees
  • GMC Software Technology
  • IND Group
  • ITSector
  • Jumio
  • Kensho
  • Kofax
  • LifePay
  • Luminous
  • Luxoft
  • Matchi
  • Meniga
  • The Moneyer
  • Money on Toast
  • My Order
  • myWishBoard
  • NF Innova
  • Nostrum Group
  • payworks
  • PhotoPay
  • Pixeliris
  • Plutus Software
  • SaaS Markets
  • SecureSafe
  • Smart Engine
  • SoftWear Finance
  • SQLI
  • Temenos
  • Tink
  • Tootpay
  • Top Image Systems
  • Topicus Finan
  • Toshl
  • Trustev
  • Yseop

We will be also be announcing over a dozen stealth companies closer to the event.

If you’re interested in witnessing the future of European fintech debut in London next February, please get your ticket today to guarantee your ability to attend as we’re headed towards a sellout crowd. Plus if you register before December 21st, you’ll save £100 via the early-bird discount!

We’ll see you in London in February (or Silicon Valley in April)!

FinovateEurope 2014 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Be Group, Financial Technology Partners, and Life.SREDA.

FinovateEurope 2014 is partners with: Aite Group, BankersHub, Celent, The Financial Services Club, FSIC, Hotwire PR & Visible Banking.

FinovateEurope 2014 Presenting Companies Revealed!


With just 68 days to go until our fourth annual FinovateEurope, it’s finally time to reveal the presenter lineup for the event.

On February 11 & 12, these companies will take the stage to demo their newest fintech innovations to a projected crowd of over 900 financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts and entrepreneurs.

With the explosion in European fintech activity in the last year, the application process to select the innovations for the conference was incredibly competitive. While that makes for hard choices for our selection committee, it also lays the foundation for another amazing FinovateEurope filled with cutting-edge fintech innovation. 

Without further ado, here are the companies that will be demoing their latest and greatest in London next February:

  • AdviceGames
  • AnalytixInsight
  • Atsora
  • Avoka
  • Backbase
  • BehavioSec
  • Blue Speck Financial
  • Buttercoin
  • CRIF
  • Device Ident
  • Encap
  • fastacash
  • Feedzai
  • Fiserv
  • Five Degrees
  • GMC Software Technology
  • IND Group
  • ITSector
  • Jumio
  • Kensho
  • Kofax
  • LifePay
  • Luminous
  • Luxoft
  • Matchi
  • Meniga
  • The Moneyer
  • Money on Toast
  • My Order
  • myWishBoard
  • NF Innova
  • Nostrum Group
  • payworks
  • PhotoPay
  • Pixeliris
  • Plutus Software
  • SaaS Markets
  • SecureSafe
  • Smart Engine
  • SoftWear Finance
  • SQLI
  • Temenos
  • Tink
  • Tootpay
  • Top Image Systems
  • Topicus Finan
  • Toshl
  • Trustev
  • Yseop

We will be also be announcing over a dozen stealth companies closer to the event.

If you’re interested in witnessing the future of European fintech debut in London next February, please get your ticket today to guarantee your ability to attend as we’re headed towards a sellout crowd. Plus if you register before December 21st, you’ll save £100 via the early-bird discount!

We’ll see you in London in February (or Silicon Valley in April)!

FinovateEurope 2014 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Be Group, Financial Technology Partners, and Life.SREDA.

FinovateEurope 2014 is partners with: Aite Group, BankersHub, Celent, The Financial Services Club, FSIC, Hotwire PR & Visible Banking.

From Legacy to Leadership: A Conversation with Chris Skinner, Author of Digital Bank


Chris Skinner is the author of the new book, Digital Bank, which takes a look the challenges and opportunities that lay in the growing digitization of the banking world. We interviewed Mr. Skinner by email shortly after the book  was released in late October. And Mr. Skinner was generous enough to share his opinion on a wide range of topics related to digital banking.

On emerging markets

“This is not to do with dealing with unbankable people therefore, but more to do with banking for people who couldn’t get banked.”

On whether traditional banks can compete

“A traditional bank either has to cannibalize itself, start a new bank or try to straddle all markets badly.”

On whether the bank branch is dead

“The truly radical digital provocateurs will say that no one needs a branch … but that is not rational.”

Digital Bank is available at, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores.


Finovate: Can you tell us a little bit about your background, as someone who has been involved in banking and finance for many years now?

Chris Skinner: Sure. I’ve been involved in banking and insurance technology since the 1980s when I worked for Wang Computers, the revolutionary word processing company at that time that then missed their mark and went into Chapter 11 in 1992 (that was a learning experience!). Since then, my time has been spent leading the strategies for various financial services technology providers, such as NCR.
Through the years, I’ve spent time analyzing and working with firms from investment banking and asset management through commercial banking and transaction services to retail banking and omni-channel management. My role has always been to look for the next wave of change in these companies, and try to visualize the state of the banking markets three to five years out. I’ve been providing this vision through two independent companies since 2002. Balatro Ltd, which is my research think tank, and the Financial Services Club, a networking group for bankers interested in the future of banking that is now established in seven cities across Europe.


Q. What is a digital bank? Which companies are doing a great job at it?
Skinner: A digital bank is a bank built explicitly for the digital age. Not a branch-based bank or an Internet bank or a mobile bank, but a completely digitally focused bank from the ground up. It is a bank that assumes the relationship with the customer is 100% digitized and available 24/7. It goes further than this. It proactively and predictively server the customer, so that the client always feels the bank knows them intimately and is one step ahead of the game. Most banks were not built this way. In fact, most assume the branch is the foundation and Internet and mobile are channels to add to that structure.
The digital bank thinks the other way around. It looks at the ability to interact and communicate non-stop everywhere and even with what you wear, and works out how that differentiates their services and gives them more customer depth of remote relationship. As to which firms are doing a great job? Hardly any. It’s too early in the game and most of the new financial firms or innovative incumbents are focused upon mobile and tablet computing rather than digital banking.
The difference is that the digital bank does not think about devices, but about the capability to have the Internet embedded in everything. Walls, windows, chairs, ceilings, headscarves, handbags, jumpers, jam jars. You name it, you can digitally interact with anything today. That’s where the thinking really opens up the mind to the possibilities.
Finovate: What is the biggest obstacle to banks entering the digital arena? Which of the obstacles – assuming there is more than one – is the easiest to overcome? Which is the most challenging?
Skinner: There are massive opportunities in the Digital Age as a Digital Bank, but also massive challenges. These include legacy infrastructures and operations, internal resistance, the wrong vision, an inability to execute and implement, a management team (that is) divided, and more.
The easiest to overcome is all of them – if you have a leader who is completely committed to making it happen. Without a leader, and then a leadership team who are truly on-board and committed, you might as well just tinker around the edges and do a pilot project, which will fail, but at least you tried.
Finovate: You spent years as an independent banking commentator. Is this book a distillation of what you’ve argued over the years? Or does this book represent a departure or a new set of more recent insights?
Skinner: It represents both and more. Since the early 2000s, I was being hired a research analyst and produced a book back in 2007 that talked about the future of banking. That book had some of the groundwork for this one, but this one goes far further. It includes a liberal sprinkling of thought processes distilled from the blog I’ve been writing since 2007, as well as many new ideas and insights and case studies.
There are case studies on everything from Bitcoin to Barclays Bank, and some of the new innovative banks that are out there like FIDOR in Germany and mBank in Poland. I’m pretty sure everyone will get something out of it, even if they think they know all of the things I’ve contended in the blog for some time.
Finovate: You write a great deal about emerging markets in the book. What is the most misunderstood aspect of banking – and the potential for mobile and digital banking – in emerging market economies?
Skinner: The key reason for focus upon emerging markets is that these markets are leapfrogging established markets. By way of example, almost half of all the GDP of Kenya is now moved through mobile text messages, a service that we’re only just getting used to thinking about through the roll-out of apps. It is also key to note that these emerging markets are all technology free. They have no infrastructure built for consumer banking typically, and so the digital age is offering them the first step toward automated services.
And what is really interesting in these markets is that the assumption has been that these folks are not bankable because they are too poor. When mobile banking began in Kenya, for example, only 2.5 million of the over 28 million adults has bank accounts. Now there are over 10 million. This is not to do with dealing with unbankable people therefore, but more to do with banking for people who couldn’t get banked. With mobile financial transaction histories, Kenyans are able to show their credit worthiness and that is why a quadrupling of the banked population has occurred in just over five years.
Finovate: At our last Finovate conference, one observer was taken by the amount of innovation in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, compared to the U.S. Do you find this to be the case? If so, what is responsible for it in your opinion?
Skinner: Certain areas of the world are innovating and innovating fast. In Europe, Poland is the country to focus upon. In the Middle East (or is it Europe?), it’s Turkey. Africa, especially the southern countries, we are seeing innovation. We are seeing innovation in war-torn areas like Afghanistan and impoverished areas like typhoon alley Indonesia.
What is common to all of these areas is that the markets were ripe for innovation. The infrastructure and customer focus has only really geared up in the last two decades, and mobile financial services has allowed banks in these nations to rapidly deploy high speed, high service offering at low cost.
Add on to this that these nations have another common factor of high population density – Turkey has 70 million people, Poland 40 million and Indonesia’s population is as big as the USA, and you can see why banks are innovating in these areas. Innovation without legacy for mass market leverage makes absolute sense.
Finovate: What will it take for traditional banks to compete against digital-native startups?
Skinner: That’s a little like asking how can the octogenarian Olympic athletes compete with the mainstream Olympians. They can’t. That means that a traditional bank either has to cannibalize itself, start a new bank, or try to straddle all markets badly.
Nevertheless, I have seen a few traditional banks that impress – Citi, BBVA, Commonwealth Bank of Australia to name a few. The common thing about these banks is that the CEO and Board are committed to innovation, invest in it, are prepared to break down their Berlin and Chinese walls to achieve it and really believe in going for an end goal that stretches. This is far beyond the usual incumbents, and the key is a culture of bravado mixed with a rationale for risk management. Taking a bet and derisking that bet is the hard part of any program to move from legacy to leadership. These are a few of the banks that seem to do it well.
Finovate: In my working class neighborhood, the bank branch is not dead. But it’s no house party, either. What will determine the fate of the bank branch in the next 2-3 years?
Skinner: We will never see branches disappear. Sure, there will be banks that are branchless, but most banks will keep branches as they see that as the point of service. That’s true, but it’s not the real reason that banks will keep branches. The real reason is that their customers want them. Customers want branches because they worry that their money will disappear if there isn’t somewhere they can physically go and ask for it. More importantly, customers do want human engagement face-to-face sometimes. Moments of crisis, bereavement and change, or moments of happiness, marriage and birth. Moments of challenge, such as moving home or buying your first car.
Now I know that the truly radical digital provocateurs will say that no one needs a branch for even these moments of truth, but that is not rational. It may be rational for 90 percent of high net worth sophisticated financial users to manage their own mortgages, loans and credit services but, for 90 percent of your average Joe’s, they still like to talk to someone about their money when they have these moments.
Until that human need disappears, the branch is here for the long haul. Then we get into the question of how many branches, and that’s where you’ll see a radical change. Most banks have set up their branch network on the basis of 80 percent of interactions are branch-based and 20 percent are remote. Obviously today this is not the case. 80 percent or more of interactions are on an app and 15 percent are via an ATM or contact center. About 5 percent are in branch and that number is decreasing rapidly, even in the USA where branch network have been consistently growing year-on-year until 2012).
So give it a few years, and anything from 20 percent of branches in the USA will close (this will be slower than the rest of the world due to the USA’s high dependency on checks) to 80 percent in the Nordic countries of Europe where digital identities allow for account openings online without the need for a branch visit.

FinovateAsia 2013 is Next Week — Don’t Miss Out!


FinovateAsia 2013 is next week and it is going to be our best and biggest conference in the region to date!

If you’re interested in seeing how leading companies in this fast-growing area of the world are innovating on banking, investing, payments and much more, please get your ticket here before it is too late.  

If you do join us in Singapore on November 14th, you’ll see more than three dozen new innovations from our impressive lineup of presenting companies. (Check out the FinovateAsia sneak peaks #1, #2, #3 and #4 for more details.)

And, in addition to witnessing almost 40 cutting-edge fintech innovations debut in a single day, you’ll also get to connect with hundreds of the senior execs, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs that are creating the future of fintech. Here is just a small sample of the organizations that have signed up to attend already:

  • American Express
  • ANZ
  • Bain & Co.
  • Bank BTPN
  • Bank of Singapore
  • Bank Respublika
  • BOC Group
  • China Growth Capital
  • CIMB Bank
  • Credit Suisse
  • EFMA
  • First Data
  • Forrester Research
  • Goldman Sachs
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • Innosight Ventures
  • Intel Capital
  • Mastercard
  • Maybank
  • Mergermarket
  • Microsoft
  • OCBC
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • RBS
  • S&P Capital IQ
  • Sberbank
  • Security Bank
  • Singtel
  • Standard Chartered
  • Suncorp Bank
  • TMB
  • UBS
  • UOB
  • And many more!

Tickets are available online through next week. Please register soon as space is limited.

We’ll (hopefully) see you in Singapore in next week (or London in February)!

FinovateAsia 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Citi Ventures, Financial Technology Partners, Life.SREDA, Standard Chartered Bank, and Visa.

FinovateAsia 2013 is partners with: Aite, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, BeSuccess, Celent, The Emerging Finance, Finance on Windows, FSClub, SME Finance Forum, Timetric and Visible Banking.

FinovateAsia 2013 is Next Week — Don’t Miss Out!


FinovateAsia 2013 is next week and it is going to be our best and biggest conference in the region to date!

If you’re interested in seeing how leading companies in this fast-growing area of the world are innovating on banking, investing, payments and much more, please get your ticket here before it is too late.  

If you do join us in Singapore on November 14th, you’ll see over three dozen new innovations from our impressive lineup of presenting companies. (Check out the FinovateAsia sneak peaks #1, #2, #3 and #4 for more details.)

And, in addition to witnessing almost 40 cutting-edge fintech innovations debut in single day, you’ll also get to connect with hundreds of the senior execs, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs that are creating the future of fintech. Here is just a small sample of the organizations that have signed up to attend already:

  • American Express
  • ANZ
  • Bain & Co.
  • Bank BTPN
  • Bank of Singapore
  • Bank Respublika
  • BOC Group
  • China Growth Capital
  • CIMB Bank
  • Credit Suisse
  • EFMA
  • First Data
  • Forrester Research
  • Goldman Sachs
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • Innosight Ventures
  • Intel Capital
  • Mastercard
  • Maybank
  • Mergermarket
  • Microsoft
  • OCBC
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • RBS
  • S&P Capital IQ
  • Sberbank
  • Security Bank
  • Singtel
  • Standard Chartered
  • Suncorp Bank
  • TMB
  • UBS
  • UOB
  • And many more!

Tickets are available online through next week. Please register soon as space is limited.

We’ll (hopefully) see you in Singapore in next week (or London in February)!

FinovateAsia 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Citi Ventures, Financial Technology Partners, Life.SREDA, Standard Chartered Bank, and Visa.

FinovateAsia 2013 is partners with: Aite, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, BeSuccess, Celent, The Emerging Finance, Finance on Windows, FSClub, SME Finance Forum, Timetric and Visible Banking.

Last Chance for FinovateAsia 2013 Early-Bird Tickets!


With FinovateAsia 2013 fast approaching in only 6 weeks, it is incredibly exciting to see how the event is shaping up.

We’ve just announced our awesome lineup of innovative companies who will be demonstrating the best new ideas in fintech. Their innovations leverage major trends including everything from big data to biometrics, gamification to visual analytics and much more.

In addition, the audience is growing on a daily basis with leading bank execs, major investors, expert industry analysts and cutting-edge fintech entrepreneurs. From the beginning Finovate events have attracted the most innovative minds in fintech and this FinovateAsia promises to continue that trend.

Don’t believe me? Here is just a small sample of the organizations that have signed up to attend already.

  • American Express
  • ANZ
  • Bain & Co.
  • Bank BTPN
  • Bank of Singapore
  • Bank Respublika
  • BOC Group
  • CIMB Bank
  • Credit Suisse
  • EFMA
  • Forrester Research
  • Goldman Sachs
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • Intel Capital
  • Mastercard
  • Maybank
  • Mergermarket
  • Microsoft
  • OCBC
  • RBS
  • S&P Capital IQ
  • Security Bank
  • Singtel
  • Standard Chartered
  • Suncorp Bank
  • TMB
  • UBS
  • UOB
  • And many more!

If you’re interested in coming to watch the future of Asian fintech unfold live on stage, tickets are now on sale at the discounted early-bird ticket price through this Friday, October 4th.

Please get your ticket ASAP to lock in the discount and your spot as space is limited!

We’ll see you in Singapore in November!

FinovateAsia 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Citi Ventures, Financial Technology Partners, Life.SREDA, Standard Chartered Bank, and Visa

FinovateAsia 2013 is partners with: Aite, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, BeSuccess, Celent, The Emerging Finance, Finance on Windows, FSClub, SME Finance Forum, Timetric and Visible Banking.

FinovateAsia 2013 Presenting Companies Revealed!


With only 71 days to go until FinovateAsia 2013 in Singapore, we are incredibly excited to be announcing the cutting-edge companies that will be debuting their latest innovations in financial and banking technology.

Like the inaugural event last year, this year’s FinovateAsia will showcase over 30 innovations leveraging everything from big data to biometrics, gamification to visual analytics and much more!

The selection process was filled with hard decisions for us this year and only reinforced our belief that Asia is going to be an increasingly major force in fintech innovation in the years to come.

Without further ado, here are the innovative companies that will be demoing their newest technologies in November:

  • Advanced Merchant Payments
  • ArthaYantra
  • Backbase
  • BehavioSec
  • BellaDati
  • BlueKite
  • Bridgei2i
  • CustomerXPs Software
  • GMC
  • i-exceed
  • IND Group
  • Intuition Intelligence
  • KlickEx
  • Kofax
  • Luminous
  • Mambu
  • Matchi
  • Mistral Mobile
  • Mobexo
  • Mobino
  • Pangea
  • Red Zebra
  • SaaS Markets
  • Serverside
  • SinoLending
  • Smart Engine
  • Tootpay
  • TradeNet
  • TSYS
  • White Label Personal Clouds
  • Yodlee
  • Plus more still to be announced!

If you’re interested in attending the event to watch the future of Asian fintech unfold live on stage, tickets are now on sale at the discounted early-bird ticket price through Friday, October 4th.

We’ll see you in Singapore in November!

P.S. If you can’t wait until then to learn about the latest in financial technology there are less than 10 tickets left for FinovateFall (next week in NYC).

FinovateAsia 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Citi Ventures, Financial Technology Partners, Life.SREDA, Standard Chartered Bank, and Visa

FinovateAsia 2013 is partners with: Aite, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, BeSuccess, Celent, The Emerging Finance, Finance on Windows, FSClub, SME Finance Forum, and Timetric

FinovateAsia 2013 Presenting Companies Revealed!


With only 71 days to go until FinovateAsia 2013 in Singapore, we are incredibly excited to be announcing the cutting-edge companies that will be debuting their latest innovations in financial and banking technology.

Like the inaugural event last year, this year’s FinovateAsia will showcase over 30 innovations leveraging everything from big data to biometrics, gamification to visual analytics and much more!

The selection process was filled with hard decisions for us this year and only reinforced our belief that Asia is going to be an increasingly major force in fintech innovation in the years to come.

Without further ado, here are the innovative companies that will be demoing their newest technologies in November:

  • Advanced Merchant Payments
  • ArthaYantra
  • Backbase
  • BehavioSec
  • BellaDati
  • BlueKite
  • Bridgei2i
  • CustomerXPs Software
  • GMC
  • i-exceed
  • IND Group
  • Intuition Intelligence
  • KlickEx
  • Kofax
  • Luminous
  • Mambu
  • Matchi
  • Mistral Mobile
  • Mobexo
  • Mobino
  • Pangea
  • Red Zebra
  • SaaS Markets
  • Serverside
  • SinoLending
  • Smart Engine
  • Tootpay
  • TradeNet
  • TSYS
  • White Label Personal Clouds
  • Yodlee
  • Plus more still to be announced!

If you’re interested in attending the event to watch the future of Asian fintech unfold live on stage, tickets are now on sale at the discounted early-bird ticket price through Friday, October 4th.

We’ll see you in Singapore in November!

P.S. If you can’t wait until then to learn about the latest in financial technology there are less than 10 tickets left for FinovateFall (next week in NYC).

FinovateAsia 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Citi Ventures, Financial Technology Partners, Life.SREDA, Standard Chartered Bank, and Visa

FinovateAsia 2013 is partners with: Aite, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, BeSuccess, Celent, The Emerging Finance, Finance on Windows, FSClub, SME Finance Forum, and Timetric

Less than 98 Tickets Remain for FinovateFall — Get yours before it’s too late!

btn3_ov.pngWith a mere 12 days until our flagship FinovateFall conference in Manhattan on September 10 & 11, we’re closing in on a sellout with less than 100 tickets remaining.

If you were planning on joining over 1,000 financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts and entrepreneurs to watch the future of financial technology debut live from our 70+ cutting-edge presenters, please get your ticket ASAP before they run out!

The auditorium is going to be packed with innovative minds from an amazing array of organizations from around the globe.

Here is a tiny sample of the companies you’ll get a chance to connect with if you snag one of the few remaining tickets:

  • American Bankers Association
  • Accenture
  • Aite Group
  • American Banker
  • American Express
  • Ameriprise Financial
  • ANZ
  • Bain Capital Ventures
  • Banco De Oro
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of the West
  • Barclays
  • Benchmark Capital
  • BlackRock
  • Bloomberg
  • BMO Capital Markets
  • BRE Bank
  • Capital One
  • Celent
  • Celtic Bank
  • Chase
  • CIBC
  • Citibank
  • DailyWorth
  • Deluxe Corp.
  • Devonshire Investors
  • Discover
  • Equitable Bank
  • Fidelity
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • Filene
  • Financial Times
  • First Bank
  • FIS
  • Fiserv
  • Flushing Bank
  • Forbes
  • Forrester
  • Frost Bank
  • FTV Capital
  • Fujitsu
  • GE Capital
  • General Atlantic
  • Google
  • GRP Partners
  • H&R Block Canada
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • Inter-Atlantic Group
  • Intesa Sanpaulo
  • Intuit
  • Itau Unibanco
  • Javelin Research
  • Life.SREDA
  • M&T Bank
  • Mastercard
  • mBank
  • McKinsey & Co.
  • Menlo Ventures
  • Mergermarket
  • Microsoft
  • Mohr Davidow Ventures
  • Moody’s Analytics
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Morningstar
  • Nationwide Bank
  • New York Life
  • Nordea
  • Novantas
  • Ovum
  • Pando Daily
  • Pitney Bowes
  • PNC Financial
  • Primerica
  • PSCU
  • QED Investors
  • RBC
  • Rockland Trust
  • RRE Ventures
  • SAP
  • Sberbank Russia
  • Scotiabank
  • Scottrade
  • SVB
  • T. Rowe Price
  • TD Bank
  • The Hartford
  • Thomson Reuters
  • TTV Capital
  • Transunion
  • Travelex
  • US Bank
  • UBS
  • Umpqua
  • USAA
  • Visa
  • Warburg Pincus
  • Wells Fargo
  • World Bank
  • Yahoo!
  • Yankee Group
  • Yodlee
  • Zions Group

If you’re interested in witnessing the future of fintech debut via our fast-paced, demo-only format, please get your ticket today to guarantee your ability to attend!

We’ll see you in New York in September (or Singapore in November)!

FinovateFall 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Financial Technology Partners, Hudson Cook LLP, Life.SREDA, Visa & Xignite

FinovateFall 2013 is partners with: Aite, American Bankers Association, BankersHub, California Bankers Association, The Canadian Government, Celent, Filene Research Institute, Finance on Windows, Hotwire PR, IvyExec, Loyalty360, NYPAY, & SME Finance Forum.

Less than 98 Tickets Remain for FinovateFall — Get yours before it’s too late!

btn3_ov.pngWith a mere 12 days until our flagship FinovateFall conference in Manhattan on September 10 & 11, we’re closing in on a sellout with less than 100 tickets remaining.

If you were planning on joining over 1,000 financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts and entrepreneurs to watch the future of financial technology debut live from our 70+ cutting-edge presenters, please get your ticket ASAP before they run out!

The auditorium is going to be packed with innovative minds from an amazing array of organizations from around the globe.

Here is a tiny sample of the companies you’ll get a chance to connect with if you snag one of the few remaining tickets:

  • American Bankers Association
  • Accenture
  • Aite Group
  • American Banker
  • American Express
  • Ameriprise Financial
  • ANZ
  • Bain Capital Ventures
  • Banco De Oro
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of the West
  • Barclays
  • Benchmark Capital
  • BlackRock
  • Bloomberg
  • BMO Capital Markets
  • BRE Bank
  • Capital One
  • Celent
  • Celtic Bank
  • Chase
  • CIBC
  • Citibank
  • DailyWorth
  • Deluxe Corp.
  • Devonshire Investors
  • Discover
  • Equitable Bank
  • Fidelity
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • Filene
  • Financial Times
  • First Bank
  • FIS
  • Fiserv
  • Flushing Bank
  • Forbes
  • Forrester
  • Frost Bank
  • FTV Capital
  • Fujitsu
  • GE Capital
  • General Atlantic
  • Google
  • GRP Partners
  • H&R Block Canada
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • Inter-Atlantic Group
  • Intesa Sanpaulo
  • Intuit
  • Itau Unibanco
  • Javelin Research
  • Life.SREDA
  • M&T Bank
  • Mastercard
  • mBank
  • McKinsey & Co.
  • Menlo Ventures
  • Mergermarket
  • Microsoft
  • Mohr Davidow Ventures
  • Moody’s Analytics
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Morningstar
  • Nationwide Bank
  • New York Life
  • Nordea
  • Novantas
  • Ovum
  • Pando Daily
  • Pitney Bowes
  • PNC Financial
  • Primerica
  • PSCU
  • QED Investors
  • RBC
  • Rockland Trust
  • RRE Ventures
  • SAP
  • Sberbank Russia
  • Scotiabank
  • Scottrade
  • SVB
  • T. Rowe Price
  • TD Bank
  • The Hartford
  • Thomson Reuters
  • TTV Capital
  • Transunion
  • Travelex
  • US Bank
  • UBS
  • Umpqua
  • USAA
  • Visa
  • Warburg Pincus
  • Wells Fargo
  • World Bank
  • Yahoo!
  • Yankee Group
  • Yodlee
  • Zions Group

If you’re interested in witnessing the future of fintech debut via our fast-paced, demo-only format, please get your ticket today to guarantee your ability to attend!

We’ll see you in New York in September (or Singapore in November)!

FinovateFall 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Financial Technology Partners, Hudson Cook LLP, Life.SREDA, Visa & Xignite

FinovateFall 2013 is partners with: Aite, American Bankers Association, BankersHub, California Bankers Association, The Canadian Government, Celent, Filene Research Institute, Finance on Windows, Hotwire PR, IvyExec, Loyalty360, NYPAY, & SME Finance Forum.