FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Zeta

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Zeta

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Zeta‘s Tachyon is an integrated, modular, cloud-native stack with a white labeled mobile app. FIs can build next-gen digital banking and payment experiences for their customers.


  • Mobile first onestack
  • Embeddable banking
  • Launch new products in weeks

Why it’s great
Disrupt the disruptors by fast forwarding your digital services with Zeta’s cloud native, vertically integrated platform to preserve and grow your customer base at higher efficiency ratios.


Bhavin Turakhia, CEO & Co-Founder
Turakhia is driven by a passion for problem-solving and maximizing efficiency through tech-led innovations. Today, along with Zeta, he is also heading Radix and Flock.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Boss Insights

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Boss Insights

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Boss Insights‘ single API captures real time business financial data (Quickbooks, Salesforce, Stripe, etc.). The data aggregation platform is proven and trusted by FIs globally.


  • Cut costs with one minute automation
  • Reduce portfolio risk with the broadest data coverage
  • Delight business customers with a best in class process

Why it’s great
Easy access to 3rd party verified information to delight business lenders and borrowers. Leads to 50% more loans processed, 80% faster decisioning and servicing, and 90% digitization.


Keren Moynihan, CEO
Moynihan is a former banker and second time founder. She was awarded 2020 Unicorn Challenge and 2019 Top Leader in Lending. Moynihan is also featured in Forbes, ABA, and Financial Brand saying APIs are key to lending.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Facepoint

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Facepoint

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Facepoint‘s Biometric ID is used for the special case of sanctions, high risk, and anti-money laundering.


  • Drastically cuts false positives, speeding onboarding and saving money
  • Overcomes false identification, lowering risk to the bank
  • Identifies unnamed sanctioned criminals

Why it’s great
While traditional KYC methods create 99% false positives, Biometric ID resolves most of these instantly and with near-100% certainty.


James Barringer, Regional Director of North America
A former US Navy Officer, Barringer is a 25-year veteran of financial data and a 10-year veteran of AML/KYC/CDD. Jim represents Facepoint to financial institutions in the Americas.

John Lloyd, Senior Consultant SME AML/CTF Systems
A former US Army Officer, Lloyd did a full career in the NYPD as a financial crime detective and identity technologist. John represents Facepoint to law enforcement, intelligence, and government.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Mall IQ

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Mall IQ

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Mall IQ is a privacy-first location intelligence and AI platform, empowering financial institutions to deliver real-time, personalized mobile engagements for improving share-of-wallet, frequency of usage, and retention.


  • Store-level accurate location data to engage customers in real-time
  • Segment customers based on unique store-visit and purchase data
  • Use customer behavior (visit and click and purchase) to optimize

Why it’s great
Proprietary technology to discover where customers shop, what they want to buy, when they are about to pay even before the purchase, predicting the next purchase decision with real-time data.


Batu Sat, CEO & Co-Founder
Sat earned his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an expert in machine learning and AI, and worked at Cisco and Microsoft in Silicon Valley.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Ninth Wave

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Ninth Wave

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Ninth Wave enables secure data connectivity between financial institutions and fintech apps, aggregators, ERP and accounting solutions, investment and wealth portals, tax prep software, and more.


  • Connect accounts and access data via 3rd-party and fintech mobile apps
  • Originate transfers, payments, and requests globally
  • Integrate with unique customer identifiers for secure, encrypted credentialing

Why it’s great
Ninth Wave empowers financial institutions with an accelerated path to unparalleled digital customer experiences through our highly intuitive and innovative suite of products.


George Anderson, CEO & Founder
Anderson served as CEO of Enterprise Engineering, Inc. (EEI) for 25+ years and has significant technology and data consulting experience with wealth managers.

Gotce Peev, VP Platform Lead
Peev is Ninth Wave’s VP Platform Lead. With his extensive experience in a wide range of technologies and development methods, Peev oversees all phases of the software development lifecycle.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: DeepTarget

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: DeepTarget

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

DeepTarget‘s 3DStoryteller will create a radically new marketing experience inside your current digital banking platform.


  • Rich, relevant content delivery
  • Rapid deployment in weeks
  • Deep consumer engagement to drive conversions

Why it’s great
Revolutionize your digital marketing experience in weeks, driving dramatically higher sales.


Jill Homan, President
Homan uses her deep experience in technology, digital marketing, and leadership to drive success for DeepTarget and their customers.

Jacob Shaefer, Implementation & Support Engineer
Shaefer speeds implementations for DeepTarget customers and ensures their success.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: txtsmarter

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: txtsmarter

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

txtsmarter will introduce an effective compliance solution specifically designed for the new age of text and social media messaging. The company archives iMessage, Android SMS/MMS, and WhatsApp messages in accordance with FINRA, SEC, FDIC, MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, & FCA regulations.

Why it’s great
txtsmarter creates a better user experience for employees and clients by allowing the use of native apps such as iMessage and WhatsApp, while creating data completeness and a high level of control.


Nuri Otus, CEO & Founder
Otus has 20+ years of experience in strategic planning, sales, services, marketing, business and organizational development, product leadership, operations, and market-making in early stage companies.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Breach Clarity

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Breach Clarity

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Breach Clarity identifies and diagnoses every consumer’s unique breach history to prescribe personalized protective actions that improve the financial health of both the financial provider and consumer.


  • Higher levels of digital engagement
  • Lower fraud costs and attrition
  • Reduced contact center costs

Why it’s great
Breach Clarity’s technology is based on the process used in the largest data breach cases (Anthem, Equifax, Yahoo!, etc.) to establish the harms created for affected consumers.


Al Pascual, COO & Co-founder
Pascual is the COO and co-founder of Breach Clarity. He formerly led Javelin Strategy & Research and is a recognized expert on identity theft and fraud.

Jim Van Dyke, CEO & Founder
Van Dyke is the CEO and inventor of Breach Clarity. He previously founded Javelin Strategy & Research and has a deep fintech product management background.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: WealthConductor

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: WealthConductor

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

WealthConductor’s flagship platform, IncomeConductor, is an intuitive software and strategy that allows advisors and clients to truly collaborate to achieve a successful retirement performance.


  • Dynamic visual income plan editor
  • Data aggregation to link client assets into their plan
  • Daily tracking analytics and insights to manage retirement income plans in a scalable way

Why it’s great
Advisors and their firms are bringing in millions in new AUM due to IncomeConductor’s unique and compelling approach to retirement income plan design, presentation, and management.


Sheryl O’Connor, CEO
O’Connor has spent over 25 years in the financial services industry at insurance and investment management firms, leading strategic business growth and technology innovation.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: JUDI.AI

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: JUDI.AI

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

JUDI.AI provides SMB lenders with an AI driven analytics platform to support loan origination with instant cash flow analysis, automated underwriting, and continuous financial monitoring.


  • Increased operational efficiencies
  • Improved customer experience
  • Reduced risk

Why it’s great
The JUDI AI-drive platform provides instant cash flow analytics of bank statements to glean insights of the financial health of small businesses.


Su Ning Strube, Chief Product Officer
Strube is a digital strategist who has spent 20 years at the intersection between technology and business, having held various senior management roles driving innovation in growth stage companies.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: GoPoints Loyalty Group

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: GoPoints Loyalty Group

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

Loyalty Group‘s GoPoints is a provider of a new format of B2B2C loyalty and reward solutions and white-label consumer products for financial institutions, merchants, and their customers.


  • Allows consumers to easily tailor financial products to their needs and preferences
  • Increases engagement
  • Increases transactional activity

Why it’s great
GoPoints makes financial products adjustable to consumer needs and expectations through choice of partners, reward programs and schemes, and flexible product settings capabilities.


Tarek Al-Oveyd, CEO
Al-Oveyd is the founder with 15 years of experience in designing, launching, and managing frequent flyer and loyalty programs for the largest Russian airlines and retailers.

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Q2

FinovateWest Digital 2020 Sneak Peek: Q2

A look at the companies demoing at FinovateSpring Digital on May 10 through 13, 2021. Register today and save your spot.

With Q2 dynamic personalization, your institution can quickly and easily tailor your user’s experiences based on the intersection between known data points and your institution’s objectives.


  • Dynamically composed experiences
  • Fluid audience grouping
  • Targeted UI presentation

Why it’s great
Digital is today, personalization is tomorrow. Through dynamic personalization you can improve your relationship with accountholders and understand their needs.


Adam Blue, CTO
As CTO, Blue is responsible for creating and coordinating the company’s technology strategy, while supporting the teams at Q2 responsible for customer satisfaction and technology innovation.

H.O. Maycotte, CEO, Molecula
Maycotte is the CEO of Molecula, an enterprise future store that centralizes data for machine-scale analytics and AI.