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Branded Wi-fi at the Airport

Wifi_logoEarlier this year we looked at how Chase was targeting business travelers with branded power outlets at the Indianapolis airport (NB Feb. 21). Later, we discussed the possibilities of free wi-fi at bank branches (NB April 8). How about marrying the two tactics?

Wifi_popupWhile waiting for baggage at Sea-Tac airport today, I thought I'd check email from my laptop. Unfortunately, the wi-fi in the baggage area required an AT&T passcode (see inset). But the thought occurred to me, why not brand the wi-fi connection at the airport with a bank name AND provide free access for everyone, or perhaps just for bank customers?

How it could work
The logistics for providing free access for everyone are relatively simple. If there is already a provider of free access, contact them and see what it would cost to install your brand on the service. If access is provided through one or more paid programs, contact the airport and see if they'd like to add, or switch over, to the increasingly common free model. You may also be able to negotiate a significant presence on signage at the airport.

Providing free access ONLY for bank customers is more of a challenge, but has a bigger potential payback in terms of new accounts. It would be especially powerful in combination with an airport ATM presence.

The downside: fees to the airport and the logistics of limiting free access to bank customers (non-customers could be charged a typical Internet access fee). One way to handle that is to use your call center to provide the access code once customers type in an acceptable ATM card number. Or you could deliver the access code via standard ATM machines or special card-reading kiosks. Travelers will share access codes among themselves, but that's not a major concern. The main point is that bank customers get a tangible benefit.