FinovateFall 2022 /

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: is a market-leading provider of Intelligent Self-Service for credit unions. interface’s Artificial Intelligence acts as a “personal bank teller” to help members 24/7 through every step of their journey from being a prospect to achieving financial wellness. currently powers several credit unions across North America, has enabled millions of dollars in savings for its CU customers, and is one of the fastest-growing credit union providers, growing at over 1500% just in the last year.

How they describe their product/innovation:’s flagship product – the ‘Artificial Intelligence-powered Phone Banking,’ where sophisticated AI technology is available on the call center, is helping credit unions seamlessly address various challenges and evolve by ‘transforming call centers from a cost center to a revenue center.’

This solution enables credit unions to create efficiencies through automation (handling 100% of incoming calls), deliver highly personalized member communications, offer industry-leading security, and unlock new sources of revenue.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Srinivas Njay (Founder & CEO)

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