This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2015.
DoubleNetPay is demonstrating how its technology helps consumers save money:
DoubleNet Pay’s easy-to-use software automatically tracks employees’ bill amounts and due dates and seamlessly schedules payments around their paycheck cycles, leaving employees with an exact amount for discretionary spending—without the headaches or guess work. It also automatically sets aside money for savings, helping employees prepare for unexpected expenses and budget for recurring needs. Plus, it takes the stress out of managing day-to-day finances and gives employees peace of mind knowing their bills are paid on time. The remaining pay will go where it has always gone before (bank account, pay card, or paper check) on time, directly from the employer.
Presenters: DoubleNet Pay Co-founders Brian Cosgray and Cody Laird
HQ: Atlanta, Georgia
Founded: December 2013
Twitter: @doublenetpay