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Last Chance for Finovate 2008 Conference Tickets

image Putting on a conference is nerve wracking in the best of times, but in this environment, it’s doubly so. So we are especially pleased to announce that we are within a dozen or so seats of selling out the Crowne Plaza ballroom for Finovate 2008 next week. Register here if you’d like to join us. 

As we argued last week (here), current industry problems make placing the correct technology bets even more important. Granted, there may be less revenue during the next few years, but the show will go on. Fundamentally, there is still as much demand for financial services today as a year ago.

To meet that demand, financial institutions will increasingly look towards lower-cost, non-branch alternatives. And 24 of the best will be demo’ing Oct. 14 at Finovate (see here for list):

Finovate 2008 demo lineup