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Finovate Startup Demo Videos Now Available Online

finovatestartup_logo Full-length videos from the 40 presenters
(see note 1) at FinovateStartup are now available  at our conference website (see VaultStreet example below). They are free of charge.

The no-Powerpoint, five-minute demos are hosted on our servers, so you should be able to access them from work. Both QuickTime and Windows Media formats are available. Choose QuickTime if you’d like to watch it in a bigger screen. 


Finovate 2008

clip_image002Our second annual Finovate Conference will be held in just three months: Oct. 14 in New York City. We are finalizing the presenter lineup now, and it’s shaping up to be a winner with a great cross-section of newer companies mixed in with established names launching new products this fall. You can save $200 by registering before the end of July.

1. There are demos posted from 37 presenters. Two of the presenters, Guardian Analytics and Wonga, displayed confidential screenshots during their demo so they have elected not to show them online. And, unfortunately, Buxfer had a server problem during their demo, so we were not able to capture it on video.