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400,000 Users at Online Personal Finance Startups

link to BusinessWeek article In a Feb. 11 BusinessWeek Online feature (here), reporter John Tozzi listed the self-reported user bases at seven new entrants in online personal finance. The roundup led with an anecdote about Wesabe CEO Jason Knight answering phone calls from users (see inset).

The seven companies listed below are only a subset of the online personal finance space. The list does not include users at Quicken Online, Yodlee, Mvelopes, and another two dozen smaller players. Nor does it include users at financial institutions that support online personal financial management such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Key Bank, River City Bank and others.

Company   Users Traffic
Mint* 135,000 150,000
Wesabe* 100,000 41,000
Buxfer*   80,000   9,200
Geezeo   20,000+ 14,000
NetWorthIQ   13,000 11,000
BillMonk   10,000+   1,000
Expensr* Five figures   1,700
Total 370,000+ 230,000

Sources: Users per BusinessWeek Online, Feb 2008, figures are reported by the companies and may include inactive users; Traffic: Compete, Inc, estimated unique visitors for January 2008

*Will be presenting at our FINOVATE Startup conference April 29, 2008

For more information:

  • Previous NetBanker coverage here
  • Online Banking Report #131/132: Personal Finance Features for Online Banking
  • Online Banking Report #142/143: Social Personal Finance