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Social Media Management Specialist Gremln Launches New Mobile Platform

Social Media Management Specialist Gremln Launches New Mobile Platform

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Continuing in our second session of the morning, here is GREMLN, showcasing the latest enhancements to its social media management platform for the financial services industry.

“GREMLN is demonstrating its latest social media compliance features. Pre-approved Content Libraries enable firms to provide great content to their teams that can circumvent the message approval process. LinkedIn Lead Prospecting enables financial advisors and other employees to find new clients via LinkedIn. And finally, GREMLN is launching a new mobile platform that enables marketing and compliance departments to stay engaged in social media and handle approval processes right from their phone or tablet.”
Presenting: Ryan Bell (CEO) & TJ Tavares (Sr. Sales Executive)
Product Launch: January 2013 (showing new features)
Metrics: 12 employees; 165, 000 users
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
HQ: Saint Louis, MO
Founded: February 2009
Twitter: @GREMLN