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Toopher Broadens its Authentication Suite with Access, Touch, and Halo

Toopher Broadens its Authentication Suite with Access, Touch, and Halo

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Our next presenter is Toopher, demoing its authentication solution that pairs enterprise class security with the location awareness of mobile devices.

Toopher Access will allow clients to provide their customers with invisible authentication for logins and critical actions. Toopher Touch incorporates biometrics into the authentication process and Toopher Halo offers seamless deauthentication based on powerful geofencing technology. When the user leaves a specified geofence, Tooper will log them out automatically, ensuring full session security.”
Presenting: Josh Alexander (CEO & Co-Founder) & Evan Grim (CTO & Founder)
Product Launch: Q1 2015
Metrics: 20 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
HQ: Austin, TX
Founded: September 2011
Twitter: @toopher