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FinovateEurope Sneak Peek: Market EarlyBird

FinovateEurope Sneak Peek: Market EarlyBird


Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 4.27.53 PMA look at the companies demoing live at FinovateEurope on the 7 and 8 of February 2017 in London. Pick up your tickets today and save your spot.

Market EarlyBird offers a read-only Twitter app that is fully-compliant and fully-optimised for use on trading and research floors of banks.


  • See and track market-moving tweets and news based on criteria you set
  • Cast a wider net/return quality, curated tweets searching with SmartTrack
  • Cloud-based solution works without installation or firewall changes

Why it’s great
EarlyBird unlocks Twitter access for banking and finance professionals when and where they need it most. No outgoing tweets, no firewall changes, fully incognito and optional relevance curation.


Danny Watkins, Chief Executive Officer
EarlyBird was the idea of British entrepreneur, Danny Waktins – a former bank data security expert who identified a need for a fully compliant Twitter capability optimised for finance professionals.