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From Billpay to Blockchain: The Themes of FinovateSpring

From Billpay to Blockchain: The Themes of FinovateSpring


What’s changed between last year and the themes that are dominating FinovateSpring 2016?

“Mobile,” “Payments,” “Banking,” “Apps,” and “Investing” are key concepts again this year. But there may be no better metaphor for the changing landscape of fintech than the fact that “Billpay,” one of the larger themes of 2015, is out and “Blockchain” is in.

FS2016_Theme_Cloud_FinalThat said, there’s more to 12 months of fintech innovation than the spread of distributed-ledger technologies and the mainstreaming of personal finance (note that “PFM” failed to make FinovateSpring’s theme-cloud for the second year in a row). “Voice” appears for the first time as a significant theme in our cloud as more companies explore voice technologies as a solution for everything from authentication to customer engagement. And the rise of artificial intelligence is revealed by new themes, such as “Predictive,” as in Predictive Analytics, or “Cognitive,” as in cognitive computing, and even “Workflow,” which recognizes the way AI and machine learning are combining to automate and improve business processes for banks and other financial institutions.

This is the kind of peek into the future of fintech that FinovateSpring provides. Join us next week in San Jose as 72 companies from around the world take the stage for two days of innovation and high-caliber networking. Tickets are on sale now, so be sure to register today and join more than 1,500 fellow fintech professionals, our biggest Bay Area event ever, at one of the key events in the fintech calendar.

And if your appetite needs further whetting, here’s an updated look at the innovators that will be demoing their technologies live on stage May 10 & 11.

We hope we’ll see you there! In the meanwhile, learn more about the companies that will be on stage in our FinovateSpring Sneak Peek series, and please visit our FAQ or email us at [email protected] with any questions.

FinovateSpring 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp, AccentureAssociation for Financial Technology, Cyberport/InvestHK, FT Partners, Greater Zurich Area/Swiss Business Hub,  Hudson Cook, KPMG, and Leverage PR.

FinovateSpring 2016 is partnered with Acuity Market IntelligenceAite Group, American Bankers AssociationBank Innovators CouncilBankersHubBankless TimesBayPay Forum, Bitcoin MagazinebobsguideBreaking Banks, Byte AcademyCalifornia Bankers AssociationCanadian Trade Commissioner ServiceCelentCointelegraphDigital Currency CouncilEbankingNews, FemTechLeadersFilene Research Institute, The Fintech TimesIDC Financial InsightsJavelin, Juniper ResearchKorea FinTech ForumMercator Advisory GroupPayments & Cards NetworkThe Paypers,PitchBookPlug and PlaySME Finance Forum, and Western Independent Bankers.