FinovateSpring 2023 / PayTic

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: PayTic is the only SaaS solution that manages all key aspects of program management for any card issuer and BIN sponsor, from major banks to new fintechs, in one interface. By acting as a central hub within the payments ecosystem, PayTic consumes, assimilates and automates all the data flowing across a program’s activities. Users can automate reconciliation, network report generation, dispute submission, fraud, network fee analysis, and robust business intelligence.

How they describe their product/innovation: PayTic is demonstrating how, within a matter of minutes, our platform can save any bank, card issuer, BIN Sponsor, and fintech tangible amounts of money by analyzing and optimizing network fees against program activity. Further, our system can instantly reconcile data across payments ecosystem players from program and account level to transaction level, identifying exceptions in real-time, generating accurate quarterly reports, and eliminating any data compliance issues. No more time spent finding problems, only solutions.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Through financial institutions, Through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Imad Boumahdi,
Press: Kate Firuz,

More Videos: FinovateSpring 2023