FinovateSpring 2022 / Banyan

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Banyan creates an at-scale network that allows retailers to share receipt data with banks and fintechs through both API calls for individual transactions and batch calls for unlimited records at a time.

How they describe their product/innovation: Banyan will demonstrate how banks, fintechs and their retail partners can use item level data to drive everyday spend and top of wallet behavior. Banyan’s scalable data infrastructure is used to enrich transaction categorization and create product level offers that make banking apps more meaningful and rewarding to today’s digital consumer.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Through financial institutions, Through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Arlo Laitin (CRO), Mike Minelli (EVP Financial Partnerships), Kerry O’Shea (SVP Financial Partnerships)
Press: Maria Arias, [email protected] | Andrea Gilman, [email protected]

More Videos: FinovateSpring 2022