FinovateFall 2023 / FeatureByte

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: FeatureByte is an AI-based self-service feature platform that radically simplifies the entire AI feature lifecycle. FeatureByte Copilot empowers data scientists and ML engineers to create and select state-of-the-art features from raw data and deploy fully governed, production-ready pipelines – in minutes instead of weeks or months. By extending the modern data stack to streamline AI data pipelines, FeatureByte accelerates innovation while reducing compute and resource costs by up to 5X.

How they describe their product/innovation: Introducing automatic feature ideation with FeatureByte Copilot. Let the Copilot generate features for your use case, or create them with just a few lines of code. Leave the plumbing and pipelining to FeatureByte – whether it’s time-window aggs or backfilling. Experiment immediately and serve features instantly – instead of weeks and months of waiting.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Razi Raziuddin (CEO),
Press: Drew Miale (Three Rings Inc.),

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