FinovateSpring 2022 / Very Good Security

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: With the Very Good Security (VGS) data security and compliance platform, startups can offload their data security burden and instead focus on delivering innovative, differentiated products to their customers. VGS users enjoy a Zero Data™ approach to security, retaining the business value of sensitive data without the cost and liability of securing it themselves – which enables startups to dedicate more resources toward growing their business.

How they describe their product/innovation: Imagine being able to collect sensitive data from end-users or customers, operate on that data, and exchange it with third parties without the original data ever touching your network. This demo walks you through how the VGS Zero Data Platform makes it possible to extract the business value from sensitive data without touching it, while descoping your organizations from compliances like PCI DSS and fully controlling the customer experience yourself.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Alanna Frost Nardella, Channel Manager,
Press: Paula Belikove, Senior Director of Corporate Communications,

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