FinovateWest 2020 / Linqto

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Linqto provides liquidity in the private sector. Linqto’s investment platform democratizes the private space for accredited investors in the same way Schwab and Fidelity made public trading available to the average investor. Point and click access to equity investments in pre-IPO Unicorns makes Linqto accessible, affordable and liquid. Over 50 million Accredited Investors unserved in the current market can now invest with minimums as low as $5K to $10K. That’s private investing made simple.

How they describe their product/innovation: The Linqto mobile-first investment application removes the friction inherent in competitive solutions that require 30-90 days to transact. With Linqto an Accredited Investor can make an immediate investment in private securities. The KYC/AML and Accredited Investor status requirements are digital and on-chain. Linqto acts as a principal and purchases the equity in advance removing the ROFR requirement with the issuer. Easy, accessible and affordable investments in an asset class typically not available to smaller investors.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Miguel Vias, COO,
Press: Karim Nurani, Chief Strategy Officer,

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