FinovateWest 2020 / DQLabs

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: – an AI Augmented Data Quality Platform.

DQLabs helps enterprises discover trustable data and helps leverage ROI immediately with built-in processes and technologies to catalog, profile, curate, and master any data with self-service capabilities and prepare “ready-to-use” data for use across reporting, analytics, and MDM solutions.

How they describe their product/innovation: was created with the vision to provide a simple way for organizations to manage data and handles issues around data quality, governance, curation, master data management effectively. With the use of AI and Machine Learning – the sophistication of the technology is blended carefully with the art of simplicity and usability. All complex tasks around data ingestion, data catalog, data profiling, data curation, data governance, master data management, and reporting are all done in a few clicks by any non-technical business user.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Shanmuga Pragash, VP Presales & Partnerships,
Press: Vignesh J, Research & Solutions Manager,

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