FinovateEurope 2021 / Cobase

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Cobase offers a multibank platform to large corporates. The platform provides fully managed bank connectivity, a payment hub, and optional modules for cash management and treasury management. Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 70 FTE. Licensed by the Dutch Central Bank (PSP/PSD2). Backed by strategic investors ING Bank, Nordea and Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank. Security Management Certifications ISO27001, ISAE 3402 type 2 and SOC2 type 2.

How they describe their product/innovation: Cobase offers a single point of access to bank accounts and services from many banks and financial service providers around the world. Main features of the platform are fully managed bank connectivity, a central payment hub and optional cash management and treasury modules. This combination offers tremendous financial and operational efficiency, especially for medium and large size companies.

Banks can offer a white labelled version to their clients under their own brand and use the technology to increase bottom line revenue without heavy investment.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed


Bus. Dev. & Press: Jorge Schafraad, CEO, & Jack Gielen, COO,

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