FinovateAsia 2019 / The WAAY

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: We develop a software that is called the Lifestyle Banking Platform. We help banks to understand people and become a Lifestyle Assistant for their customers to boost daily engagement, card transactions and upsell metrics in their mobile banking app.

How they describe their product/innovation: Lifestyle Assistant is a service which communicates personalized lifestyle content to bank’s customers based on their deep behavioral profiling.

Lifestyle Assistant communicates 3 types of advices:

  • where-to-go ideas
  • shopping ideas
  • financial and banking product advices and x-sell offers.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev.: Kirill Lisitsyn, CBDO, [email protected], +7 910 413 5556
Press: Ivan Kochetov, CEO, [email protected], +44 7937 953432

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