FFIEC Will Cause Financial Network Security Confusion

This year we can expect the computer security arms race to keep scaring the daylights out of anybody who understands what’s going on. Also: Look for confusion in the financial community about complying with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) mandate to install two-factor authentication by year-end. The main story on the hacking front Read more…

Banking and Coffee?

Blame it on my Seattle location, but I continue to believe there are good synergies between banking and the so-called coffee culture, both on- and off-line (full disclosure, I’m writing this in a coffee shop). I’m not talking about converting bank branches to coffee shops like Exchange Bank Coffeehouse (left); but using espresso and other Read more…

Who Has the Best E-Service?

It’s difficult for outsiders to judge a bank’s service levels unless you interview a number of customers as Vividence and others are doing or use the bank’s products yourself. However, the bank’s website does provide clues to the relative value placed on e-service. Here are the things we would look for as a prospective customer, Read more…